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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Miss u guys=(

Hello frens,

Sorry for not updating my blog.I have not been switching on the computer for a long time.I will be updating my blog.Anyway, guess what, I made it to Zhenghua Sec.I do have some friends and cousins there.So,it's not much of a problem.I can say that Zhenghua Sec is quite strict.The teachers are ok.They are not too bad.I met a new chinese girl.She seems kind of friendly.I have a pen pal now.I don't know from which country she is from but she seems kind of interested to know more about me.I will tell u guys more about her when she reply my mail.I will write again soon.I gtg,bye2.

Monday, December 14, 2009

HOLS pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey frens,

How are you guys?I hope that u guys are just fine.I am already starting to miss u guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!I hope that I can go for hols.Seriously sitting at home is so damn bored.I hope santa claus can bring me for hols.LOL!Just joking.I wanna get out of this house and go for hols.Some of my frens are going to japan and taiwan.Isn't that exciting?I can't think of anything more to write.I think I will just stop writing here.Once I know which school I am going to, I will write again.I gtg,BBBBBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYEEEESSSSSSSSS.

Monday, December 7, 2009

My mind is absolutely blank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey frens,

I am back.I hope that I will go for holiday.So bored.Staying at home doing nothing.I am also wishing to happen the school that I want.If u guys wanna know what are my choices,just read the post that i posted below.I hope that you guys are just doing fine.One thing that I cannot keep of my mind.The graduation day.The dance was a total disaster.My frens say that it was ok.Can u imagine that?OK??!!!I think they ae out of their minds.I just don't have a name for them.I think I will write again soon some other time.I gtg.BBBYYYEEESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Posting school

Hey frens,

I have made up my mind.My choices are Zhenghua sec, Teck whye sec, Dunearn sec, Fajar sec, Bukit view sec and Regent sec.I can't wait to enter a new secondary school.I'm gonna miss u all.LOL! Actually, I think that I can do better for PSLE.But its over anyway.I have to look forward not backwards.I'm gonna have have new things plus new crushes.LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ok.i think i will write again soon later.GTG.byess

Monday, November 23, 2009

I'm too nervous!!!!!!!!!!!!:(

Hey frens,

I am seriously too nervous.I am afraid that I won't be able to score well for my psle results.I am actually aiming for around 229 and above as this scores is easier for me to make a decision to enter a secondary school.I'm sure that you all will just say scoring 200 is enough.I also thought about that before.But after I checked the secondary school book,I find it quite hard to get schools of my choices with just 200 points for express.I've never expect it to be so hard for me.Well,those of u wth siblings who have already gone through psle will understand.Ermmm....and one thing.On the day of graduation, some of the boys thought that I looked weird as I put on make-up.It was quite emotional at the last part.I almost cried but I didn't.I will miss u guys so much.No.I mean too much.I think I gtg.I will be writing again soon.Byeesss!!!!!!:)

Friday, November 20, 2009

I miss u guys!too much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys,

Gosh!I've got to be honest.I miss u guys too much.I want the second graduation.LOL!Maybe u guys can say that we can make some appoinment and meet up again next year.But, will u guys be able to meet at least once a week?Maybe some of u can make it.But i can bet that half of the class won't be there.What to do.NVM.We have msn,hp,facebook and blogs.I can just wish u all farewell and welcome to your new school.I will write again son.I gtg,BBYYEEESSSSS!


At last!:)

Hey frens,

I'm back!At last!Graduation day is over.There are 2 things.Firstly,I am happy as I don't have to face stage fright anymore as I have finish my performance.Secondly,I am sad as I am separating with my frens.And this are the type of frens whom I do not want to separate with.The performance wasn't so bad anyway.I look like a dolly and I look kind of weird.Putting make up on my face for the first time can be really frightening.It's like as though it isn't myself.I am gonna miss my frens a lot.I will also like to wish all u guys out there good luck for your psle results and congratulations for your psle results if I don't have the chance to meet u guys.I will be writing again soon.I gtg,byess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

2 stress up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey frens,

I have no choice but to tell u guys that i am 2 stress up! Graduation rehearsal is tomorrow and we haven't add the dancing steps. Those who are not ready for the dance will be disqualified.I always wonder why the guys have no problems in the dance steps and they can negotiate faster.The girls will always don't accept this and that.I hope that this thing can be solved quickly.On the other hand,I sometimes feel like as though I don't wanna separate with my friends.I know it may sound kind of crazy but maybe I can be a little crazy when I reach the topic about friends.I will post again soon.I gtg.BYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

At last

Hey frens,

At last!My graduation dance steps are almost done.We have decided the dance steps and the song.I hope that u guys will continue working hard with me for this dance.I know that we have gone through alot of disagreements and this have upset all of us.I will like to apologise to all of you.And I hope the pupils from other classes will enjoy our performance on graduation day.And anyway,I might go around asking for autographs from the teachers and u guys.I gtg.I will write again soon.BBBBYYYEEESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Hey frens,

I am quite stress up now as my classmates keep changing the dance steps for graduation night. Well, I don't really care what kind of dance I am dancing as long as it isn't disgusting and so lame. No worries! I will be learning the dance steps soon. If u guys wanna know what I am going to dance, just wait for the actual day to come!Noted? Ok? That's good. I will write again soon.I gotta go.Byes.:)

Monday, October 26, 2009

I have to make my decisions

Hello frens,

i think that i've got a lot to think for this month. i have to think what i need to perform for the graduation's day thing. i also got the so called 'arena' in cckps to do. just have to debate and debate till my opponent gives up.LOL. i also have to think whether i should go to perth or not as it is on hari raya haji. i hope that i can make the decision soon. i will talk to u guys again soon.:)

Friday, October 23, 2009


Hey frens,

sorry for not updating my blog yet. cause bz with revising PSLE. iwill be putting up pics soon. well, I hope that all of u is happy with the way you all have done for ur PSLE. wish u guys gd luck for ur results for those whom i havent wish. i'm quite fed up cause i cant get a new hp yet.isn't that sick?! for those out there who knows who i am having a crush on, keep ur mouths shut!or u will find me knocking on ur house with a knife in my hand!!!!!!!haha.lols.just kidding. i think i gtg. i will post again soon.BBBYYYEEESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

The school holidays:(

Hello everybody. I thought that this June holidays will be wonderful. But it is so damn boring and it is the opposite of wondrful. My hmws are like as if this holiday is 2 or 3 months. Those who read my blog, I hope you understand how I am feeling right now. If you wanna know the real secret that I am about to tell you. Anyway, if you see songs on my blog, please go on and hear it. I chose the songs not because I am crazy about that particular person.Damn it!!!!!!!!!!!! I just want you to know that I chose the particular song because they do have meanings in it. I prefer songs which have meaning than those which have nothing in it and just plain with nonsense in it. I hope you all will enjoy your holidays. Happy holidaysXD..................

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gal who can be anything or whatever!!

All this while, my life has been great!I just got my exam results.I am not that happy with my examination marks as they have not reach my target.My classmates fought with each other on 20.5.2009.I and some of the moniters have to be responsible about it and explain it to Mr Koh.Even though I can be anything or whatever, that does not mean I rule my own life.One of my classmates whom I dont want to tell anyone, is sayin that I am a FLIRT!!!!!!!!!!!!To me and some of my classmates, she is such an idiot.I hope that who is reading my blog, you should know who the person is.XD!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

What I've done all this while.

All this while, my life have been great! I've been thinking about someone special in my life.If that particular person just know how I'm feeling right now, they will understand me better. I really love my life. People around me have been saying that I'm so smart. But they are wrong! I just stay with my problems longer. No matter what I do, I won't give up. I hope that everybody who know me will just blend with my life.