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Friday, November 20, 2009

At last!:)

Hey frens,

I'm back!At last!Graduation day is over.There are 2 things.Firstly,I am happy as I don't have to face stage fright anymore as I have finish my performance.Secondly,I am sad as I am separating with my frens.And this are the type of frens whom I do not want to separate with.The performance wasn't so bad anyway.I look like a dolly and I look kind of weird.Putting make up on my face for the first time can be really frightening.It's like as though it isn't myself.I am gonna miss my frens a lot.I will also like to wish all u guys out there good luck for your psle results and congratulations for your psle results if I don't have the chance to meet u guys.I will be writing again soon.I gtg,byess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)