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Friday, January 29, 2010

Hey Gs=)

Hey guys,

How are you?Sorry for not posting for a long time.Kind of busy.My secondary school life is so much fun.But one of them sucks.I wanted either red cross or npcc for my cca.But instead I got wushu.I have to bear with it even though I don't like it.I feel like changing my cca.I miss you guys though.My training starts next week.I hope that I still have a chance to change my cca.The seniors there are absolutely great.And I wanna tell you guys if you by coincidence saw me outside, just call me.Don't have to pretend as though nothing happens.I guess I will meet you guys during teachers day which is a long time to go.I will write again soon and please pray for me so that I will be able to change my cca.BBYYEESS=0