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Friday, August 13, 2010


hello frens,

long time never chat.anyways, i've create a new nickname:iranneva iternia.but my bro add on:iranneva iternia bintia muhammadiyah.hahahahas.lol.fine, i'm being lame.i hope that teachers day is tmr.miss mdm wong so much.including mr jasnee and mrs cindy chua.forgotten to update photos on fb.i'll get it done quick.guess gotta go.byes...

Sunday, June 20, 2010


hello frens,

long time never blog.sorries.anyway,bz for some time.at last june hols r gonna be over soon.no more time to go out with frens and still have maths project to be done.hope everything will be fine.i miss my frens a lot.i hope teachers day is next week.haha.lols.still got long way to go.i will write back soon.byes and take cares.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


hello frens,

i have not been updating my blog for such a long time.wonder why..........well, my exam results are out.i did pretty well for my exams but not for my mathematics.it sucks!it's very irrtitating to get a b4 for your exams.i don't know for you guys but for me it SUCKS!but june holidays are around the corner so no worries.about my cca,.........it's great,fun but strict!don't know how i will be able to resist to it.urghh...whatever.i think i will stop till here for now.if u guys wanna talk to me,talk to me at msn or facebook.should be able to find.hahas.bye:)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


helo frenz,

sorry for not updating the blog for ssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccchhhhhhhhhhh a long time.i'm just very busy right now.a lot of things came up and i didn't have enough time to update my blog.things have been fine all this while.no worries.i hope u guys are just doing fine.i can't believe it but i am still missing my cckps friends.i still have not receive my report card till now.so impatient.i will try to find a time to go back to cckps.i sign off here.talk to u guys soon.luv yas.bye.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Hey guys,

I am kind of happy cause I've got the cca that I want.Red Cross.I managed to tell the teacher in charge of ccas.But there is one thing I dislike.I have common tests.What to do.Express what.Anyway, my life in school nowadays are becoming better.I hope you guys are like that too.I think I will write till here.Write again soon.BYYEESSS=)

Friday, January 29, 2010

Hey Gs=)

Hey guys,

How are you?Sorry for not posting for a long time.Kind of busy.My secondary school life is so much fun.But one of them sucks.I wanted either red cross or npcc for my cca.But instead I got wushu.I have to bear with it even though I don't like it.I feel like changing my cca.I miss you guys though.My training starts next week.I hope that I still have a chance to change my cca.The seniors there are absolutely great.And I wanna tell you guys if you by coincidence saw me outside, just call me.Don't have to pretend as though nothing happens.I guess I will meet you guys during teachers day which is a long time to go.I will write again soon and please pray for me so that I will be able to change my cca.BBYYEESS=0

Thursday, January 14, 2010

School rokz

Hey frens,

Zhenghua secondary school is kind of fun. My frenz are kind of cool. They like to joke even about a single topic. I don't know how that can strike their mind. My teachers are kind of strict but they can be funny sometimes. Anyway, my camp is next week. It is 4 days 3 nights. I hope I will be able to enjoy the camp. I still miss you guys so much. I think I will write back again.I think I gtg,BYES...=)