? ??????????????????? ????Easy Install Instructions:???1. Copy the Code??2. Log in to your Blogger account
and go to "Manage Layout" from the Blogger Dashboard??3. Click on the "Edit HTML" tab.??4. Delete the code already in the "Edit Template" box and paste the new code in.??5. Click BLOGGER TEMPLATES - TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


helo frenz,

sorry for not updating the blog for ssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccchhhhhhhhhhh a long time.i'm just very busy right now.a lot of things came up and i didn't have enough time to update my blog.things have been fine all this while.no worries.i hope u guys are just doing fine.i can't believe it but i am still missing my cckps friends.i still have not receive my report card till now.so impatient.i will try to find a time to go back to cckps.i sign off here.talk to u guys soon.luv yas.bye.